probability level

英 [ˌprɒbəˈbɪləti ˈlevl] 美 [ˌprɑːbəˈbɪləti ˈlevl]

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  1. This paper used the way of FMECA for the missile fuze, studied the probability level of the failure mode.
  2. The brown rice thickness was significantly positively correlated with taste value at1% probability level.
  3. Historical activity of geologic hazards, future occurring probability and danger level of geologic hazards and are assessed;
  4. These uncertainties result in a probability level that is a measure of the risk inherent in the design.
  5. Through analyzing the radiant point orientation and attack process of the attacker, this paper mainly studies the first attack probability of the level bombing attacker.
  6. Occupation probability of level for multiphoton process of competitive three level atom j& c model
  7. Firstly, the probability that level set curve lies on boundary was estimated by using Bayesian classification model;
  8. Additive effect and dominance effect were significant at 0.01 probability level in additive-dominance model; Narrow-sense heritability and broad-sense heritability were 40.17% and 67.94%, respectively.
  9. In the proposed combination classification method, multiple decision trees that adopt the method of probability measurement level output are parallel combined. Then genetic algorithm is used for the optimization of connection weight matrix in combination algorithm.
  10. Finally, predicts the testing result range on a given confidence probability level.
  11. Performance Estimation of Turbo Codes at Extremely Low Error Probability Level
  12. By statistic analysis, probability density functions of liquefaction and non-liquefaction cases as well as empirical equation between safety factor and liquefaction probability of saturated sands were given, then the empirical equation of cyclic resistance ratio CRR of saturated sands with different probability level was educed.
  13. Secondly, in low probability level, certain effect has great influence on decision-making;
  14. Based on these two functions the method for estimating liquefaction probability is presented, and CPT liquefaction potential criterion with a definite probability level is given when considering the classification of design earthquake in Chinese Code for seismic design of buildings.
  15. A modified P S N ( failure probability stress level fatigue life) method is put forward, resulting in an extension of the application range of this method.
  16. What VaR model measures is the most possible losses that the investment value suffers in certain period and under a given probability level.
  17. For describing the creditability of the calculated collision probability, concepts of the confidence interval of the collision probability and confidence level were introduced.
  18. We can gain the survival probability, level of fault tolerance and cost-effectiveness ratio of this switch by the simulation, and the simulation results indicate that the proposed architecture is more fault-tolerant and cost-effective than those architectures found in the literature.
  19. Through the independence test of the contingency table analysis, six SNP markers were identified to be associated with the disease resistance at the 0.01 probability level.
  20. On the contrary, Approximate Probability Method ( Level II Method) develops rapidly because of its simple calculation and accuracy to meet most of the projects, in which First Order Second Moment Method is most widely used.
  21. In this paper, normally distributed random numbers are used to simulate spectral data and reference concentration to investigate the probability level of chance correlation from the number of selected wavelengths and different cross validation methods.
  22. In this article power transformer fault rules and modes are taken to classification analysis, and a BP ANN with Credence for Transformer Fault Diagnosis method is put forward, based on these established power transformer fault tree, and took the failure probability level evaluation.
  23. Because the devices have extended their service for many years and have a relative large range of risk distribution, the device failure probability level increases year by year, it is recommended to increase efforts to inspection.